Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mama not home

Mama is away for one month. One entire month. We're on our own for one freaking entire month.

The first thing I do? Stock up on food. So below is PARTIALLY what we have in the refrigerator now

1. milk milk and more milk
2. margerine
3. butter
4. cheese
5. yoghurt
6. vegetables
7. apples and oranges
8. Coffee liquor (obviously I didn't buy this. It's given by my brother's friend)
9. Green Tea drinks
10. etc

Yeah, thats what we're going to survive on when Mama is not here. Great.

1 bothered:

Anonymous said...


now that's erm erm erm..

got nothing to say..

anyway..if your always in subang ..yoou and your bro wont get hungry..

and in KL you can ta pao too right..

no prob de lah..

think about it..
maybe you can loose weight too....

if you want to..

if you don't want to,
you can eat out everyday..


learn cooking big meals...

bonne apetite..
