Oh Gautama Oh Jesus Christ Oh Ya Allah,
It has been Triangle Zhong for me all the while, or if I bother to be be proper and speak proper language, I call it Ham Yuk Zhong. The name bak chang has not been known until recently cause the gang ie - Jojo and Ah Gong the Hokkiens and Audrey the Alien called it bak chang. Phi Phi called it ... erm, bek cheng? Haha! Ah Ma called it ... I don't know.
So yeah, why the story? Nothing.
Anyways, if you don't already see it, ANOTHER BATCH OF BAK CHANG found their way to my tiny inny minny bitchy house! Blaaarrdy ... How not to be FAT I asked you?! Baaaahhh
Also, this batch is claimed to be delicious. Maybe it's the same "maker" as the one I ate yesterday. So yeah, for the fellow-faraway-from-home-friends' sake, I'll be bringing one of these to Subang. On Tuesday, not Monday. Cause Monday I have Monday blues (lame).
Then there are French Fries made/cooked by my cousin sister. Don't know why. Maybe she is just too free when I'm too busy. Or she want to try out her hidden cooking skills. Or she thinks I'm not fat, just big-boned. Or maybe she intended to fry a French but found no French so she fried French Fries. Or maybe she is considering to be a franchisee of McDonalds. Or maybe she wants to work in McDonald. I don't know. Never bother to ask. Got food, eat la. Duh.
Then there are Chinese kuihs. Again I don't know what Chinese kuehs/kuihs is actually called in ENGLISH. I think I got the term weeks ago but my tinny inny bitchy mind just can't store it and thus it was wiped off before I can use it. Is anybody kind enough increase my English vocab?
See they are so colourful and so adorable! Haha, stewpid. There are purple, yellow, orange and green. And there's my favourite pink-coloured-pau. HOW NOT TO BE FAT?! @#$%^
Thank you papa mama for adding these to the house. -__-
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