Friday, September 5, 2008



here you go:

Can i cry on your shoulder
From night till dawn
Until the stars and moon goes to sleep
And the sun wakes up
Until a new day has come
Because this time there is no Hope
Nor Dreams
Because Hopes are lies 
And Dreams are illusions

Love never existed
It was Mother Nature’s way of laughing at us
For being mortal fools
To be disillusioned by love is to throw yourself into a sea of sorrow, lamentation and pain
The more you love, the deeper into the sea you go

Is this what i want

I was looking for you
The light
The day
And the night

But when i wake up
I find that i am alone

“oh, it was just a dream”

I awake
Dreams filled with love
Heart hungry for love
Soul missing of love
Body tired from love

Then i ask myself
“Do i don’t need it”
“No, cause i already have it
Within me

I save whatever i can recover
I heal whatever that needs healing
I will stop searching, 
Continue giving
Stop replacing
And continue healing

Yes, time heals
But it does not restore things back to its original state

Two people hurt by one action
One, a direct attack
Another, an indirect attack

As i watch my thoughts go by
I realise how stupid i was
I depended on you
“but what’s wrong with crying on your shoulders” i ask
“A whole pond of unsettle mind” you look at me
For you too are human too
You would grow tired one day

Can i cry on your shoulder

No, i was not meant to
My life has led me to crying on my own
Walking on my own
Living on my own
Feeling happy on my own
Feeling sad on my own
Feeling pain on my own
Feeling joy on my own

Feeling lonely
Without a shoulder 
Without a kind hand to help

I cry on my own.


that's is where i have been busy...


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