Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What do you do when you’re hungry in the middle of the night and fortunately, you have access to a few eggs?

No you don’t fry them, cause it’s too oily it’s bad for health.

No you don’t boil them, cause it’s just too boring and it’s more breakfast-style.

No you don’t eat them raw … cause it’s just not the type of thing we do (maybe we should!)

So the brilliant housemate (who has been immersed in the Japanese culture for quite a while cause she is taking Japanese Language) came up with the amazing idea of cooking a Japanese dish … Chawanmushi.


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chawanmushi

Having no idea on what ingredient is needed, her another housemate (yours truly) came up with some marvelous idea (eg the norm like mushroom and carrot zzz)… only to find that we’ve none of those left.

Yet, nothing beats 3 determined hungry stomach. One went on the quest to hunt for recipes online, one discards the online recipe cause we’ve no ingredients while the other one set to work with whatever we have in the fridge.

She came out with this wonderful idea of adding Boccocini Cheese into the beaten eggs and the other two nodded in agreement.

So the Chawanmushi is set to be cooked. It looks pretty normal and harmless … Boccocini cheese swimming around the beautifully beaten eggs … we believe it’ll turn out so well we can be dubbed the second Einstein *proud*

and the result






Yes. This is what we see when we removed the rice cooker’s cover.

One ugly piece of er … EGG.

OUR Chawanmushi. Yeah, scroll up to the beginning of the post and do the comparison … yeah, just do it …



This is what we see when we flip it over on the plate.

We gave it a new name: Chawanpudding. Oh yeah, we’re so Einstein *tak tau malu* wtf


At least the Boccocini Cheese is doing it’s job



Taste wise: Not bad … edible … it tasted exactly like … mild cheese and egg.

Yeah, our Chawanpudding TM






We’re so full right now.

0 bothered: